Friday, April 22, 2016

Adaptive Yoga for Spinal Cord Injuries


  • Adaptive Yoga varies from person to person. 
  • Have a candid conversation with your yoga instructor from the beginning on your goals.
  • Explain your areas of injuries and capacity so you don't cause more harm to your injury.
  • Meet frequently with your instructor based on your goals. I encourage my clients to meet weekly or twice a week for the first few weeks.
  • Thursday, April 21, 2016

    Meditation Techniques

    • Sit in a comfortable seated position 
    • Hands on your knees, palms facing up
    • First 2 fingers together in gana mudra 
    • Eyes open if you're in nature (closed in a studio) 
    • Breathe in through your nose, out through your nose
    • Breathing: Inhale for 5-7 seconds, Exhale for 5-7 seconds. Holding your breath isn't recommended for this meditation. 
    • Invite students to focus on their breath and listen to the sounds around them (or to the silence or calming music in studio)
    • Starting Meditation: should last for 3-5 minutes. Longer if focus is on meditation.
    • Ending Meditation: 3-5 minutes (longer if desired) 

    Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Benefits of doing Yoga in Nature!

    Benefits:Yoga in Nature!
    This week we held our morning yoga practice in a bird preserve natural park. Here are a few benefits we received...
    • Rejuvenated the body as we felt the gentle breeze from the water during asana positions
    • Calmed the mind as we listened to the peaceful chirping of birds during Shavasana
    • Relaxed the heart as we increased our appreciation and connection with nature during opening meditation
    The perfect way to touch each of the 3 areas of yoga; body, heart and mind!