Seated In Wheelchair Position
Step 1: Seated Meditation (Lena likes to do duck faces:)
Step 2: Neck Stretches (hold forward, roll neck side to side)
Step 3: Arm Stretches & Exercises
Step 4: Lower back stretch (lean forward)
Step 5: Leg Stretches
On Floor: Seated Position
Step 6: Forward Bend: Slower lower down. Take 1-2 minutes to deep breathe then lower down an inch or two until you're as far down as you can go or should go.
Step 7: Butterfly pose: Straight back. Then bow forward an inch or two.
On Floor: Lying Down Position
Step 8: Full Body stretch on your back.
Step 9 Stretch arms by grabbing wrists and pulling to the side
Step 10: Fish pose (or adaptive fish with roller under lower back as head falls back)
On Floor: On Belly
Step 11: Sphinx Pose
Step 12: Cobra Post
Step 13: Upward Dog Pose (adapted)
On Floor: On Knees
Step 14: Table Top Position
(might need support, someone stand straddling hips to hold stable)
Step 15: Arm lifts
Step 16: Child's Pose
(adaptive on ball relaxing the lower back and stretching arms)
Step 17: Savasana/Relaxation Pose