Sunday, November 3, 2019

Yoga Teachers Shouldn't Push Themselves

This article illustrates the importance of listening to your body and

knowing your limits. 

Even as a yoga instructor, I have learned to walk my classes through long holds and hard positions without pushing myself too far. This is important because everyone needs to understand that pushing yourself too far or moving into a pose that isn't good for your body is harmful.

Yoga Teaches Risk Serious Hip Problems: BBC

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Yoga is for Everyone

I believe that yoga is for everyone.  It's just a matter of finding the right class and the right practice that works.
  • Are you a beginner?  Start with Gentle Yoga.
  • Are you wanting to relax ?  Take a restorative class.
  • Are you unable to get down on the mat?  Find a chair yoga class.
  • Do you want to work your muscles and get your heart rate up?  Vinyasa Flow classes might work best for you.
Here is a Gentle Yoga class you can try.... see how it feels.

Even a vinyasa class has a variety of styles and it's finding one that works for you. Some classes hold poses longer which is associated with Hatha Yoga. Some instructors like to move through poses quickly and some instructors hold nice long poses.  A good instructor will give you options and make you feel welcome no matter what level you are.

Finding the Right Instructor:  The right instructor for you, helps you feel welcome in their class by giving you levels until you find what works best for you.  The instructor should encourage you to listen to your body and not to compare yourself with the other people in the class. The instructor should demonstrate poses when needed and verbally direct you what to do to reduce confusion for newbies. The important thing is finding a class where you can push yourself, and also where you can relax if you need to when your body needs to relax.
May you find joy in your yoga journey.


Monday, July 30, 2018

7 Ways Meditation Can Change the Brain!

Here's a great article on how meditation can help improve the brain! 

1- Meditation Helps Preserve the Aging Brain

2- Meditation Reduces Activity in the Brain’s “Me Center"

3- Meditation Reduces Anxiety — and Social Anxiety

4- Meditation Can Help with Addiction

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Breathing Techniques

Here are some great articles on breathing exercises that might be helpful. There are a variety of different types of breathing exercises. There are different purposes for each different exercise.  Here are a few reasons we do some of the breathing exercises...

Inhale for 4 counts through the nose. - Exhale for 6 counts through the nose. 
(A reason why we breathe out through the nose is to warm up the body for our yoga practice)

Inhale for 4 counts through the nose. - Exhale for 4 counts out through the mouth.
(A reason why we exhale out through our nose is to release the heat in our body and allow a quick exhale.)

Monday, January 1, 2018

Deep Breathing Keeps Us Calm

Deep Breathing Keep Us Calm according to a new Stanford Research Study
Now scientists at Stanford University may have uncovered for the first time why taking deep breaths can be so calming. The research, on a tiny group of neurons deep within the brains of mice, also underscores just how intricate and pervasive the links are within our body between breathing, thinking, behaving and feeling.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Adaptive Yoga Stretching Routine for Wheelchairs!

Seated In Wheelchair Position
Step 1: Seated Meditation (Lena likes to do duck faces:)
Step 2: Neck Stretches (hold forward, roll neck side to side)

Step 3: Arm Stretches & Exercises

Step 4: Lower back stretch (lean forward)
Step 5: Leg Stretches

On Floor: Seated Position

Step 6: Forward Bend: Slower lower down. Take 1-2 minutes to deep breathe then lower down an inch or two until you're as far down as you can go or should go.

Step 7: Butterfly pose: Straight back. Then bow forward an inch or two.

On Floor: Lying Down Position
Step 8: Full Body stretch on your back.
Step 9 Stretch arms by grabbing wrists and pulling to the side
Step 10: Fish pose (or adaptive fish with roller under lower back as head falls back)

On Floor: On Belly
Step 11: Sphinx Pose
Step 12: Cobra Post
Step 13: Upward Dog Pose (adapted)

On Floor: On Knees
Step 14: Table Top Position
(might need support, someone stand straddling hips to hold stable)
Step 15: Arm lifts
Step 16: Child's Pose
(adaptive on ball relaxing the lower back and stretching arms)
Step 17: Savasana/Relaxation Pose

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Meditation Research and Benefits!

Here are 20 Scientific Reasons to start meditating!

It Boosts Your HEALTH
1 - Increases immune function (See here and here)
2 - Decreases Pain (see here)
3 - Decreases Inflammation at the Cellular Level (See here and here and here)
It Boosts Your HAPPINESS
4 - Increases Positive Emotion (here and here)
5 - Decreases Depression (see here)
6 - Decreases Anxiety (see here and here and here)
7 - Decreases Stress (see here and  here)
It Boosts Your SOCIAL LIFE
Think meditation is a solitary activity? It may be (unless you meditate in a group which many do!) but it actually increases your sense of connection to others:
8 - Increases social connection & emotional intelligence (see here and - by yours truly - here)
9 - Makes you more compassionate (see here and here and here)
10 - Makes you feel less lonely (see here)
It Boosts Your Self-Control
11 - Improves your ability to regulate your emotions (see here) (Ever flown off the handle or not been able to quiet your mind? Here's the key)
12 - Improves your ability to introspect (see here & for why this is crucial see this post)
It Changes Your BRAIN (for the better)
13 - Increases grey matter (see here)
14 - Increases volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions & self-control (see here and here)
15 - Increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention (see here)
 It Improves Your Productivity (yup, by doing nothing)
16 - Increases your focus & attention (see here and here and here and here)
17 - Improves your ability to multitask (see here)
18 - Improves your memory (see here)
19 - Improves your ability to be creative & think outside the box (see research by J. Schooler)
20. It Makes You WISE(R)